25 outubro, 2010

Aspettami... Florença!

Um dos meus sonhos...

02 outubro, 2010

Filmes que Amo - Sabrina

Sabrina é um filme de 1954 estrelado por Audrey Hepburn e Humphrey Bogart. Sabrina Farchild é filha do chofer da família Larrabee e é apaixonada pelo filho mais novo do patrão. Após passar dois anos em Paris, Sabrina retorna à mansão dos Larrabee totalmente diferente, elegante e madura. Mas apesar de ter toda a atenção de David como sempre sonhou, acaba se apaixonando pelo irmão dele. ♥ Audrey!!

You know, I've been to every party you've ever had. Right there, in that tree, like a bat.

Oh, but Paris isn't for changing planes, it's for changing your outlook! For throwing open the windows and letting in... letting in la vie en rose.

I am taking the plane home on Friday, Father. You needn't pick me up at the airport, you can meet me at the train. If you should have any difficulty
recognising your daughter, I shall be the most sophisticated woman at the Glen Cove station.

I've known you just a few days, really. And I've been in love with David all my life. I can't understand what's the matter with me. I went away to grow up and I thought I had grown up. I guess I haven't, really.

- How do you say in French my sister has a yellow pencil? - Ma soeur a un crayon jaune. - How do you say my brother has a lovely girl? - Mon frère a une gentille petite amie. - And how do you say I wish I were my brother?

I have learnt how to live... How to be In the world and Of the world, and not just to stand aside and watch. And I will never, never again run away from life. Or from love, either...